Recurring Donations

Update or Cancel an Existing Recurring Donation

If you would like to change the payment method or cancel a recurring donation, please click on the button below to access the Donor Portal.

Recurring Donation FAQ

Donors may opt to make a recurring donation to an organization.  In order to do so, they will select “Monthly” when setting up their initial donation.  Once a monthly recurring donation is set up, CheqrPay will charge the credit card on file for the original donation amount on the anchor day (the day of the month the donation was initially made).  For example, if they chose to make a monthly donation of $25.00 on January 5th, their credit card will be charged $25 in subsequent months on that anchor day (the 5th of every month).  The monthly donation will be processed until the donor cancels the recurring donation.

If a month doesn’t have the anchor day, the subscription will be billed on the last day of the month. For example, a recurring monthly donation starting on January 31 bills on February 28 (or February 29 in a leap year), then March 31, April 30, and so on.

Change the Amount of a Recurring Donation:

If the Donor would like to change the amount of a recurring donation, they will click on the “Self Serve Portal” link in their donation email receipt or the donor portal button above.  They will be redirected to the CheqrPay Self-Serve Portal where they must CANCEL the current recurring monthly donation.  They can then choose the option to “Return to Cheqr Payment Solutions” and will be redirected to the original campaign payment page.  They can now set up a new monthly payment.

Change Payment Method for a Recurring Donation

If the Donor would like to change the payment method for a recurring donation, they will click on the “Self Serve Portal” link in their donation email receipt or the donor portal button above.  They will be redirected to the CheqrPay Self-Serve Portal where they can then add a new payment method for the recurring donation.

Change Payment Date for a Recurring Donation

If a donor would like to change the payment date of their recurring donation, please reach out directly to

Failed Recurring Donations:

If a monthly recurring donation fails for any reason, the payment will be retried 4 times in the next 7 days.  If none of the subsequent tries results in a successful payment, the invoice will be marked unpaid and CheqrPay will not make any further attempts at payment.  The recurring payment will be attempted the next month.

Canceling Recurring Donations:

If a donor would like to cancel a recurring donation, they will click on the “Self Serve Portal” link in their email receipt or the donor portal button above.  When clicking on this link, they will be redirected to the CheqrPay Self Serve Portal where they can CANCEL their current recurring monthly donation.