Payment Methods and Limits
Payment Methods:
- CheqrPay accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club payments from customers in the United States.
- Google Pay and Apple Pay are fully integrated.
- If donors choose to cover the processing fees, a 4.3% surcharge is accessed on Google Pay, Apple Pay and Credit Card Payments. This charge offsets the credit card processing fees for your organization so you will receive 100% of your donation amount.
- ACH Bank Transfers are accepted and no fee is accessed to the donor. ACH Bank Transfers will incur a 2% fee accessed to the nonprofit.
Payment Limits:
- Credit Card payments of up to $999,999.99 are accepted (inclusive of total donation and fees).
- The maximum ACH bank transfer is determined by the donor’s bank policy for maximum daily transfers and will vary.
Our Partners:
- CheqrPay has partnered with Stripe for PCI compliant payment processing. Learn more.
- We have partnered with Plaid for ACH Bank Transfer authorizations. Learn more.